seeks to invest in Worldwide Tennis Business Opportunities

We are looking mainly for three things: openness, collaboration and investment. With these 3 pillars as our backbone any partnership between smart people should thrive.


This is the heart of the tennis investor value proposition because it is through it that the mass adoption of innovative systems happen. If you have a project that you believe to have synergistic value to our niche please contact us.


Many core and non-core services are offered at different levels of efficiency and if we get to collaborate on some of those, everybody wins. We want to generate more value to the industry as a whole and in order to create such opportunities, reducing costs is one of them.


The right team, the well timed idea, the technology that gives us an edge and therefore enables an entire industry to save  or make money. This is where we want to invest our time and move forward with our innovation model. 

is a loose network or group of angel and early stage investors.

The group seeks to evaluate a wide range of business opportunities and build a deal pipeline.

Members are free to choose to invest or not as individuals or as a group depending on the needs of the deal under evaluation.

We are open to anyone to join our private members network of tennis coaches, clubs, academies, colleges and other organizers such as tennis players, tennis businesses, tennis fans and tennis sponsors and others in the worldwide tennis community.

There is a small annual fee to join as a member depending on the level of services you wish to avail of.

Contact us if you wish to discuss any opportunities in more detail.

In future, we will list our properties / web domains that we have invested in and are looking to develop in the near future.